
Films in Der BundesRepublik Deutschland

Films in Der BundesRepublik Deutschland

Then the girl tooked the book finally. Nobody else was there, but however she could see herself.

  1. Never listen to Cousteau and then go to sleep, it  only bring melancholy.
  2. Never listen to Led Zeppelin when you have to work seriously, it is only a subterfuge to hide from responsabilities. After The inmigrant song, you want another, and another, and another more.
  3. Never think twice about what you wish. The next step is running after the wish until you are trapped.
  4. Never blame the lack of time, or the lack of time will be an excuse to waste your time.
  5. Never looked at the past like if it could bring the answers, or you will find the same mistakes again.
  6. Never say...never.
  7. Do not steal.
  8. Santify las fiestas.
  9. Bless the name of the rose and the name of your favourite cities.
  10. Watch more cinema.

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